Thursday, August 25, 2011

Defining 'Shiny'

shin·y (shn)
adj. shin·i·er, shin·i·est
1. Radiating light; bright.
2. Bright from reflected light; glistening.
3. Having a sheen from being rubbed or worn smooth.

I am a "shiny" person! I love shiny things and sometimes I dislike shiny things. For me, shiny has many different meanings, but I honestly think it is a word that describes me best.

You see I have ADHD and growing up I thought it was a curse, but now I see it as a way of life, it's what makes me "me" and most of the time it's a blessing. I have been told most of my life that I am quite smart (not really sure about that, but I have been told). Usually this statement is followed with "if only you would apply yourself".

Which leads me to the 'shiny'...I am easily distracted...not because I want to be, simply because I am. Now if you have ADHD or are "focus challenged", I want you to hear this, this is not an excuse for bad behavior. So don't go there! If you misbehave, you do us ADHD'ers a disservice. People automatically don't like us because they think we are naughty. So get it together! OK, now that I have that off my chest let's get back to the blog.

So what is 'Shiny'? That is a great question! My definition of 'Shiny' is best explained this way. I love my daughter, she is amazing. We will call her "George". I love talking to George, she is so full of wit and wisdom and yet there are times when we are talking that I realize she is truly a beautiful creation. Now there is nothing wrong with thinking your children are beautiful but it should not get in the way of your conversation. Our conversations tend to look like this:

George - "Mama, I found this great new song!"
Me - "Really, what's it called and who is it by?" looking her in the eyes because if I don’t I may not be able to focus…
George - "It’s called [insert name here] and it’s by [insert name here]. I really love the lyrics they speak to..."

This is when the 'Shiny' begins, as I am listening intently my mind starts to wander to "Wow, she is really a beautiful girl, I am so impressed by her depth. Wow, her eyes are really pretty (because I am focusing on her, I am looking her in the eyes). And all of a sudden I get lost in the 'Shiny' and say something like this:

Me - "You know you have such beautiful eyes."
To which George usually responds: "Are you listening to me?"
Me - sounding a bit like Phineas of "Phineas and Ferb" fame, "Why Yes, Yes I am." But the reality is I'm not really. I got lost in the 'Shiny'. George is incredibly 'Shiny'.

Now 'Shiny' is neither bad nor good. 'Shiny' is something that catches your attention. 'Shiny' can be bad when one shirks their responsibility because they have allowed their focus to be interrupted and are now chasing a squirrel. 'Shiny' can be good as sometimes it allows you to see the beauty in others and I am not just talking about physical beauty, I am talking about internal beauty as well. In this day and age when we are rushing about we tend to miss simple yet glorious things because of all we have going on and for me 'The Shiny' can be those moments when my brain sees something wonderful out of the corner of my eye.

Psalm 139:13-16
13 For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
14  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
     your works are wonderful,
     I know that full well.
15  My frame was not hidden from you
    when I was made in the secret place,
    when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.
16  Your eyes saw my unformed body;
    all the days ordained for me were written in your book
    before one of them came to be.

I love these verses because they point out that God made me! He knows that I am prone to being 'Shiny' and that is okay. It is the 'Shiny' things of life that usually bring me the most joy and the ability to admire God's amazingness. 
Basically being 'Shiny' means I am easily distracted but I will continue to enjoy all the good things that the 'shiny' brings and continue to daily work on all the bad that can come along with it and maybe one day I will have this "super power" under control!
So what kind of 'Shiny' has God brought into your life?

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