Thursday, November 17, 2011

Why am I blogging?

Why am I blogging? This question has been popping in my head all week.  Every time I have sat down to try and blog something, I get 'shiny'.  I have a million ideas a day that I would love to address and blog about, however, most of them are completely pointless.  So that brought me to the question, "Why AM I blogging?" and "Who IS my target audience?"

Let's start with the "Why?".  Why am I blogging? This question actually stems from a number of reasons. 

  • When I was younger I thought that once I became a parent I would have all the answers.  I would know exactly how to respond to every situation.  However, I  have found my experience as a parent to be quite the contrary.  It's like the "grow up fairy" skipped me or something...and I am not happy about this oversight.  However, I have found a few things that have worked for me and my family.
  • Now let's add in a little fun...I am prone to 'the shiny', which is really my way of saying "I live a life with ADHD".  I often wonder if this is why the "grow up fairy" passed me by.  Like maybe, ADHD is some kind of inoculation to growing up and all the knowledge that comes with it, but I digress.  For me life is interesting to say the least, I often feel the difference.  Being "focused challenged" can bring on stress and depression, especially when you are trying to be responsible or get a job done.  Now add to that the fact that both of my children live with the 'shiny' as well.  So how do you help a 'focused challenged" person when you are one yourself? Talk about the blind leading the blind.
  • I also work in high school ministry. I spend a lot of my time speaking with and hanging out with high school students. My daughter is also a high school student and my son is a college student (who was once a high school student). Finally, I was once a high school student. For me, high school was a rough time in my life and I have seen many people struggle with this season of their life. High school is not only hard for the student, but it is also hard for the parent(s).
  • This brings me to parents (this includes guardians, care givers, etc.).  I often encounter parents who are struggling with their student in some way, shape, or form.  The "grow up fairy" may have skipped them too.  Some times these parents are looking for a little advice, but most of the time they are looking for encouragement.  They want to know if what they are doing is right.  I often encounter parents of 'shiny' students, who are not 'shiny' themselves and therefore have no idea what their student is dealing with.  It is this difference that can bring a lot of stress with it in many families.

Now let's look at the "Who". Who is my target audience? My hope is that I can actually reach a few different groups. 

  • "The Shiny" - My hope is that if you are "focused-challenged" or struggle with anything that makes you feel different from others, that you will find a friend here.  That you will be able to relate to some of the postings or that you may find comfort in knowing you are not alone.  I hope that you can embrace the wonderful blessings that come with being 'shiny' which in turn will help you cope with the struggles of 'the shiny'. I hope this blog encourages you.
  • Students - Middle school & high school are rough at times and just like 'the shiny' it can be great at times.  This is a time in your life when one day is great and then next is miserable.  Friendships come and go. Parents don't always understand you.  My hope is that I can encourage you during your struggles and that I can inspire you to learn how to better relate to your parents, teachers and other adults you may encounter. 
  • Parents - Do you think the "grow up fairy" skip you? Did she forget to drop off the parenting manual? Do you find yourself wondering why you can't get through to your children? Maybe you are a normal parent but something is not working. My hope is to share what worked for me and occasionally what didn't work (why focus on the negative).  If you are the "non-shiny" parent of a 'shiny' student, maybe I can provide some insight and allow you a glimpse of what we 'shiny' folks sometime struggle sharing.

I am not a counselor or doctor.  None of what I say here is meant to be a diagnosis or a cure all.  I am a girl, a friend, a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, a christian, a youth leader and a very 'shiny' person.  You will find that a lot of the wisdom that guides me comes from my faith in Jesus Christ and reading the bible.  I am not trying to push my faith on you and this is not an apologetics blog.  My heart is to encourage you. I hope I can accomplish this goal.  This is "Why I am blogging".

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV)

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