Friday, November 18, 2011

What about the kids...

I have been doing this "Thankfulness Challenge" on Facebook that a friend of mine came up with.  The idea is to think of something that you are thankful for and post it as your status and do a new one every morning.  Today, I posted one about my ex-husband and his wife. Why would I do such a thing? Glad you asked, let me give you the back story.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Why am I blogging?

Why am I blogging? This question has been popping in my head all week.  Every time I have sat down to try and blog something, I get 'shiny'.  I have a million ideas a day that I would love to address and blog about, however, most of them are completely pointless.  So that brought me to the question, "Why AM I blogging?" and "Who IS my target audience?"

Let's start with the "Why?".  Why am I blogging? This question actually stems from a number of reasons. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thanksgiving for him...

I have a friend who decided on November 1st that she would post a note of thanksgiving everyday as her status.  Thinking this was a great idea, I decided to follow her lead and do the same.  What a blessing this has been! It has caused me to pause each day and think about something or someone that I am thankful for and it is becoming so much more each day. 

This exercise has enabled me to look back at my life and see things I have never seen before.  Today, brought to mind a person who I haven't seen in at least two years yet he is never far from my heart.  I don't even know if this man understands how much of an impact he has made on who I have become.

Friday, November 4, 2011

From Debbie to Pollyanna

This last week has been a doozy for me and my family where our health is concerned.  Let me give you the back story. I have been nursing a back injury for the last few months that I incurred trying not to fall after I slipped.  My daughter, George, has been recovering from a gnarly case of mono (this is why friends should never share water bottles during P.E. Just because they are your friend doesn't mean they don't have cooties...but this is a completely separate 'shiny' trail that we are not going down today) and my husband has heal-something-fasciitis that causes him extreme discomfort when walking, standing, etc. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How well do you represent?

So I was reviewing my post "'Defining Shiny'" before publishing, when I realized the similarities between ADHD & Christians.  Yes, this is a 'Shiny', run away thought, but join me as I chase this squirrel...

Exerpt from "'Defining Shiny'"
Which leads me to the 'shiny'...I am easily distracted...not because I want to be, simply because I am. Now if you have ADHD or are "focus challenged", I want you to hear this, ADHD is not an excuse for bad behavior. So don't go there! If you misbehave, you do us ADHD'ers a disservice. People automatically don't like us because they think we are naughty. So get it together! OK, now that I have that off my chest let's get back to the blog.