Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Does it matter? Kony 2012

Last night I was sitting on my couch watching TV when my daughter looked at me and said, "What is Kony 2012?"   I responded with "I don't know, why do you ask?"  She went on to say "Three of my friends just posted 'Kony 2012' as their status and have a link to a YouTube video".  So we watched it.  We turned off 'Raising Hope' to watch a 30 minute video that leveled us.  This is the video.

I am NOT an activist.  I am NOT a band-wagoner.  In fact, I rarely get involved in most things.  I feel that God has called me to focus on my family, my faith and the neighborhood around me.  I have a lot of friends who are oversees missionaries and I am glad they are called to do that, because the fact is I am NOT.  I feel I am called to a mission field much closer, my own backyard.  So why do I tell you this? So that you might understand that posting "Kony 2012" in my Facebook Status shortly after watching this video, is a big deal for me.  And I even bought the "action kit". I went to bed with a plan to get up today and figure out my next step.