Friday, December 23, 2011


I had just realized that the show I was watching on the television had ended and my digital video recorder better known as the DVR had more or less put my TV in a paused state. I don't know how long it had been frozen in this manner but I have a feeling it had been this way for a while. So I turned off the "telly" and all its audio/visual counterparts and just sat on my couch for a while enjoying the few moments of solitude and my "shiny" thoughts.  My trail of "shiny" thoughts went like this:

- I should probably go to bed...
- But my head hurts...
- Maybe I should turn off the Christmas tree lights and go to bed...
- Holy Cow! I haven't updated my blog for weeks...
- I'll blog tomorrow, I need to go to bed...
- "The boy" is talking incredibly loud (we call our son "boy")...
- I think I am going to go to bed...
- What the heck is that in the transom window?...
And it is that last "Shiny" thought that brought me to my topic...Laughter.

Laughter is an amazing blessing. Laughter can cheer you up when you are down. In my simple opinion, laughter can cure many ills. In fact, I consider myself extremely blessed because I laugh at least once every day.

With this in mind, let me tell you about my day yesterday, it started pretty much like most days with me heading in to work. However, it ended up being one of those days that never seems to end. I arrived to work at 9:30 in the morning and worked until sometime past 8:00 in the evening. These kind of days are rough on me because they are the days that I usually find myself hyper-focused on whatever task I am buried under. This intense type of focus often causes me to lose track of time and forget to eat something, therefore making me extremely cranky. This is usually about the time that the "grumpies" rear their ugly heads and I realize the problem. Yesterday the "grumpies" showed up around 7 o'clock and it was a little over an hour later that I decided to go home as I was no longer of any value to the task I was trying to relentlessly accomplish. So I headed out of the building to my vehicle in hopes of quickly making my way home to a plate of slow-cooked pork roast and cheesy bacon mashed potatoes. The thought made my mouth water.

Now I work approximately seven and a half miles from where I live and there are 22 stop lights in between these two locations.  The commute takes approximately 15-20 minutes when all conditions are right. Rush hour drastically increases travel time to anywhere from a half an hour to an hour.  So one would assume that since it is 8'ish there would most likely be no traffic and you guessed it...there wasn't any traffic.

As I go driving out of the parking lot, I hit my first red light, no biggie, this light is usually red. Then the second light was red and the third turned red as I approached it and so went my drive home. Every light between my work and home turned red as I approached them. Needless to say, by the time I pulled into my little tract of homes, I was extremely hungry, frustrated and I had an extremely bad case of the "grumpies".

Then I saw it! As I was pulling in the driveway I saw him...I saw Chippy! Chippy is our "Elf on a Shelf" doll. He came as part of a Christmas story that I bought a few years back from Barnes and Noble.  This year there was a half an hour Christmas cartoon about him.  Chippy's story in a nutshell is that he is a special elf who goes undercover to an unsuspecting child who no longer believes in Santa Claus and the corresponding Christmas magic. He infiltrates the home of the child skeptic by luring said child's parents into bringing him home under the guise of starting a new Christmas tradition. Once in the home, Chippy reports back to the North Pole and Santa about the progress or worsening loss of holiday spirit in the child. It is this process of reporting in nightly that causes Chippy to find a new location every morning, so you see Chippy is never in the same spot twice.

My daughter, George, has undertaken the movement of Chippy in our home and it has been quite comical. I have been startled by Chippy many times in the last few weeks. I will go turn on a light and be startled as I catch a glimpse of Chippy sitting in a wreath next to my head or there is that moment when talking to my daughter that I get all "shiny" because I notice the freakish little elf is riding one of the reindeer attached to the Christmas stocking holder on the mantle. I mean just this morning as I was heading out, I spied Chippy in one of my decorative apothecary jars, positioned as if he were stuck and trying desperately to escape his glass prison.

So tonight, as I pulled into my driveway, I saw him sitting in the transom window above my front door, visible to the street. That's when it happened...I laughed. This was not a chuckle, this was one of those full on, real life, laugh out loud moments. You know those moments when you realize you are laughing and there is no one even around to hear you? For me, those are extremely happy moments. I got out of my car and headed toward the door laughing,  then paused briefly to take a picture and continued on to my front door. Then wouldn't you know it, the door wouldn't unlock but in this moment that didn't matter. So I rang the doorbell and happily waited for my family to open the door for me, all the while laughing. It was this laughter that cured my bad attitude.

It is incredible to me how a little laughter can make everything better. How something as simple as the placement of a doll, can change one's mood and make you more cheerful. How in that instance, all the stresses and frustrations of life that could easily depress you just seem to disappear.  Have you had a good dose of some healthy laughter recently?

"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength." - Proverbs 17:22 (New Living Translation)

Friday, November 18, 2011

What about the kids...

I have been doing this "Thankfulness Challenge" on Facebook that a friend of mine came up with.  The idea is to think of something that you are thankful for and post it as your status and do a new one every morning.  Today, I posted one about my ex-husband and his wife. Why would I do such a thing? Glad you asked, let me give you the back story.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Why am I blogging?

Why am I blogging? This question has been popping in my head all week.  Every time I have sat down to try and blog something, I get 'shiny'.  I have a million ideas a day that I would love to address and blog about, however, most of them are completely pointless.  So that brought me to the question, "Why AM I blogging?" and "Who IS my target audience?"

Let's start with the "Why?".  Why am I blogging? This question actually stems from a number of reasons. 

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thanksgiving for him...

I have a friend who decided on November 1st that she would post a note of thanksgiving everyday as her status.  Thinking this was a great idea, I decided to follow her lead and do the same.  What a blessing this has been! It has caused me to pause each day and think about something or someone that I am thankful for and it is becoming so much more each day. 

This exercise has enabled me to look back at my life and see things I have never seen before.  Today, brought to mind a person who I haven't seen in at least two years yet he is never far from my heart.  I don't even know if this man understands how much of an impact he has made on who I have become.

Friday, November 4, 2011

From Debbie to Pollyanna

This last week has been a doozy for me and my family where our health is concerned.  Let me give you the back story. I have been nursing a back injury for the last few months that I incurred trying not to fall after I slipped.  My daughter, George, has been recovering from a gnarly case of mono (this is why friends should never share water bottles during P.E. Just because they are your friend doesn't mean they don't have cooties...but this is a completely separate 'shiny' trail that we are not going down today) and my husband has heal-something-fasciitis that causes him extreme discomfort when walking, standing, etc. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How well do you represent?

So I was reviewing my post "'Defining Shiny'" before publishing, when I realized the similarities between ADHD & Christians.  Yes, this is a 'Shiny', run away thought, but join me as I chase this squirrel...

Exerpt from "'Defining Shiny'"
Which leads me to the 'shiny'...I am easily distracted...not because I want to be, simply because I am. Now if you have ADHD or are "focus challenged", I want you to hear this, ADHD is not an excuse for bad behavior. So don't go there! If you misbehave, you do us ADHD'ers a disservice. People automatically don't like us because they think we are naughty. So get it together! OK, now that I have that off my chest let's get back to the blog.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Morning drives, the stereo & Jesus...

So this morning I was driving George to school and listening to one of my favorite songs, "Your Love Is Strong" by Jon Foreman.  It is one of those amazing and thought provoking songs for me. It makes me stop and think about how wonderful, my creator is.  Anyway, while listening to it there is a line that says:

"Will you sell yourself
To buy the one you've found?"

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Defining 'Shiny'

shin·y (shn)
adj. shin·i·er, shin·i·est
1. Radiating light; bright.
2. Bright from reflected light; glistening.
3. Having a sheen from being rubbed or worn smooth.

I am a "shiny" person! I love shiny things and sometimes I dislike shiny things. For me, shiny has many different meanings, but I honestly think it is a word that describes me best.

You see I have ADHD and growing up I thought it was a curse, but now I see it as a way of life, it's what makes me "me" and most of the time it's a blessing. I have been told most of my life that I am quite smart (not really sure about that, but I have been told). Usually this statement is followed with "if only you would apply yourself".

Friday, August 19, 2011


I am not a writer or an educated blogger, so I apologize for any grammatical errors or misspellings or anything else that might annoy an actual writer or reader.

This blog is not required reading. It is merely a collection of my thoughts and wonderings, the things that I ponder. It is my 'take' on things and how I view life. Please don't read for advice as I have none for you.

So why do I desire to blog? Encouragement! I hope to encourage, life is rough sometimes and if you are the tiniest bit different from the norm, this world will beat you up. If you feel this way, may my musings encourage you. For you are "fearfully and wonderfully made"! (Psalm 139:14)