Friday, October 28, 2011

Morning drives, the stereo & Jesus...

So this morning I was driving George to school and listening to one of my favorite songs, "Your Love Is Strong" by Jon Foreman.  It is one of those amazing and thought provoking songs for me. It makes me stop and think about how wonderful, my creator is.  Anyway, while listening to it there is a line that says:

"Will you sell yourself
To buy the one you've found?"

It is this line that started this 'Shiny' trail of thought.  I love my children!  I would die if it meant saving their lives and protecting them. Then it hit me, it's easy to say as a parent that I would die for my kids because they are amazing, but what if they snuck out the window, committed some heinous crime and were sentenced to death...would I give up my life for them now? I mean they deserve to face the consequences of their actions and I didn't make the choice to be disobedient, so why should I step in and take their punishment. Even if I decided to take on their consequences, would they even realize what I had done for them?

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8 (NIV)
This is exactly what Jesus Christ did for me, He took the consequences of my selfish foolishness so that I could have a second chance at life and be forgiven.  He is not responsible for any of the stupid things I do and yet He was willing to die for me. Crazy thought when you think about it...that is some serious love.

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