Saturday, August 25, 2012

Should 'Shiny' people blog?

So at the beginning of May, I had this grand idea that I would start this "simple" bible study and I was going to blog my thoughts and then "Life" happened. The last few months have been crazy.  This summer has been filled with fun and distractions.

Fun at work included a domain rename and all the I.T. fun that brings with it. I also brought a new print server online. Plus a plethora of other fun, but I will not bore you with the work stuff.

Fun in ministry included getting a new small group of soon to be sophomore girls and getting to know them (this is still in progress).  A few beach days (oh, I know my life is sooooo rough) and I enjoyed a wonderful week camping at Lake San Antonio with over a 100 high school freshman and sophomores.

Fun at home included having my home broken into and robbed, dealing with insurance, a bathroom renovation, new cement in the backyard and quite a few new health challenges.

This summer I have been unable to think for myself let alone blog.  Which brought me to the question, "should a 'shiny' person blog?" And you know what, I have absolutely no answer for you.

What I can say is I like blogging, when I can find the time.  I like sharing ideas and thoughts and I love reading other peoples' blogs. At this moment I don't know if I will return to the idea of a "Simply Shiny Study" or if I will scrap the idea entirely.  Don't get me wrong I am doing a personal bible study and using a lot of the ideas I blogged about but I found putting my thoughts into words much more difficult.  I guess that is why so many people belong to bible study groups, because I guess it is much easier to talk about the things we learn than it is to necessarily write them out.
Of course since my thoughts tend to wander and as I sit here trying to remember the train of thought that had me start this blog post, there is set of verses that keep repeating in my head from the book of James, James 1:2-4 to be exact. The New International Version Bible reads:
2 Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3 because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 4 Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
These verses remind me that the struggles and challenges of life help to mold me.  When I look back at all the things that have happened this summer good and bad, I realize that I have drawn closer to God and I think that is what He asks of me.  In the past when life would get "busy", I would push God to the side or put Him in the backseat of my life, when He really needs to be in the driver's seat. I am glad that this time I remembered to keep my eyes on Him instead of "being too busy".  This is a welcome realization for me and I am glad that He is producing perseverance in me so that one day I may be mature and complete.
So with all the recent changes and challenges and with even a few more on the horizon, I guess I should simply say "stay tuned" and hopefully I will blog again soon.


  1. You posted! Yay! :) Thanks Chelle. I needed to be reminded to put God in front, even when life gets busy.

    1. Haha! I know I can't believe it myself. By the way I am loving your blog as well


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