Thursday, December 6, 2012

an Elf and a box with little doors...(continued)

Chippy riding our reindeer stocking holder
Okay, so I lied on Tuesday when I said I would tell you about the coloring but alas it still isn't time for that story. My goal for today is to get through our 4th and rather newer tradition, the Elf..."The Elf on The Shelf" to be exact.

So I found "Chippy", that's our scout elf's name, a few years back whilst perusing the many "shiny" things that Barnes and Noble carries. I love Barnes and Noble. If I had my way, I would go their everyday, find a book, a chair and a cup of tea and then sit there and read. Ahhhh, if only... Back to "Chippy", I didn't use him right away, in fact last year was the first time we saw "Chippy" for the entire month of December. Now I realize this may seem like a bunch of commercial nonsense, for many it is and can be, but for us, "Chippy" has brought us so much joy and laughter.

In a nutchelle...did you catch it? I've always wanted to do that and see if anyone caught it...oh, you didn't catch it, well keep looking until you do ;-) Wait, where was I? Oh yeah, a quick overview of the Elf. Santa sends out scout elves and they get assigned to each house to check and see if the kids are behaving and then they report back to Santa EVERY night because apparently they get "shiny" too and will forget all the important details that they need to share with Santa if they don't go back every night. Finally someone who gets me!!!!!!!! So that's the purpose of the Elf. You can check out their FAQs if you want by going to

Now since my kids are a tad bit older, I find that they are less likely to be naughty. So I am quite sure that "Chippy" only shares our lame jokes with Santa. BTW, Lo's joke for the day is "Why do rhino's have so many wrinkles? Because they are difficult to iron." I know a total groaner, but for some reason they make us laugh and I have a feeling that Santa has a similar shaped funny bone.

"Chippy" has become a family favorite and everyone takes turns, in fact, all members of our ridiculous family take part and they can get quite imaginative, now we are not talking "Pinterest Scale" imaginative because we simply do not have that kind of time but we have seen him in sliding down the stairway hand rail, dangling from chandeliers, riding reindeer stocking holders, and many more chuckle inducing locations.

Simply put, we love our Elf. He has even helped teach me a lesson or two. You can check out the post titled "Laughter" from last year for more on that.  Well enough about "Chippy" and on to something else.  I hope to see you back tomorrow for "A box with little doors..."


Ecclesiastes 3:1 & 4 (ESV)

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:...

...a time to weep, and a time to laugh;
a time to mourn, and a time to dance;

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